Sunday, November 22, 2009
National Institutes of Health's Chief said: Ignore new recommendations by USPSTF!
Dr. Healy is the Chief of National Institutes of Health -NIH- and tomorrow told Fox News Sunday: "I'm saying very powerfully ignore them".
She said also: "This will increase the number of women dying of breast cancer. Women in their 40s have a very aggressive kind of breast cancer. They tend to progress fast. And to not screen women in that age group is astounding to me, and it goes against the bulk of individuals who are actually caring for patients. You may save some money, Chris, but you're not going to save lives".
In other words, Dr. Healy clearly said that if the new guidelines are followed, more women will die of breast cancer.
Glenn Beck talks with Dr. Healy about the US Preventative Services Task Force: you must view it!
Friday, November 20, 2009
PS3 & 3D - Dreams became true!
In a presentation optimized to outline advantages of PlayStation 3 Sony stated: "all PS3 units will be firmware upgradeable to 3D".
But 3D without 3D games is nothing so Sony also promised to "release 3D games".
The question is: When? Sony hasn't yet released a firm date, but says that it will came at the end of 2010.
We can just wait and hope that they will work hardly for us.
PS3 with Facebook integration now is possible!
In details this update allows users to link their PSN account to Facebook account to option Trophy and Playstation Store activity to their Facebook News Feed.
But there is more... this firmware update (we are talking about 3.10 release) includes an update to view Photo images easier and a modified PSN Friend List.
So what are you waiting for? Switch on your PS3 and get the update!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Obama administration and Companies say: Mammogram coverage won't change!
Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services stressed that the task force "is an outside indipendent panel of doctors and scientist who make recommendations" and who neither "set federal policy" nor "determine what services are covered by the federal government".
She also said: "I would be very surprised if any private insurance company changed its mammography coverage".
And now, let's see what companies say.
USA TODAY contacted same companies (Kaiser Permanente, Aetna, Cigna, Geisinger Health Plan, Group Health Cooperative and WellPoint) and they say that they will continue paying for mammograms for womein in their 40s. Those companies operate Blue Cross/Blue Shield plans in 14 states and cover more than 73 million people.
Companies, however, are not ignoring the task force's advice.
WellPoint says that the company considers the task force's recommandations but also weights advice from the American Cancer Society and American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Group Health Cooperative says that the company plans to look at the task force's recommendations next year but it would still pay for the screening.
Till When?
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Breast Cancer Screening: Let's Laugh!
USPSTF now says that women who are not at risk (lack a family history of the disease) should get mammogram once every two years starting at age 50. Here is the reasons (they say):
- mammograph yeld modest benefits -don't make me laugh-;
- wholesale screening puts women at risk for unnecessary medical treatments.
Before considering above points, I have a question: Who can be considered risk free?
Let's talk about the first point: USPSTF's collected data tell us that screening reduces the breast cancer death rate by 15%. Do you think 15% is not enoguht? Do you think 15% is not relevant?
I think ONE live spared is relevant!
I think US people think the same!
I'm sure GOD thinks the same.
Let's talk about the second point: USPSTF experts tell us that unclear or false results (we are talking about mammograph) can cause doctors to perform invasive tests like biopsies: they can cause patients to suffer extreme anxiety. I agree with them: I don't like needles, scalpes and I hate injections; but if I have to deal with cancer/death I prefer deal with anxiety!
By the way, before you get to do a biopsy why don't you think to do another mammograph in another medical center subjecting it to another specialist (doctor)?
I am an Italian citizen who speaks English badly (and writes it worse!) attending and working with medical researchers: when they read this news have expressed their total dissatisfaction.
They say that women over 40 y.o. have to get their annual mammograms.